Sex Addiction


If you’re struggling in the area of compulsive sexual acting-out and it is negatively impacting you, your relationships, your family, and/or your career, It’s time to take action and take control of these behaviors. They won’t go away by themselves.

Understanding how you got here and what it will take to get freedom is the starting point. This is part of our initial assessment - providing you with a road map for success. Years of observation by seasoned therapists have concluded that getting healthy is a three to five year process with distinct phases. Establishing sobriety is the first. There are proven tasks that when performed with support will guide you to success.

There are great tools available to you once you set your goals on the prize of sobriety. Tools include instructional materials, books and workbooks, group work, as well as appropriate seminars and intensives as needed. We will work collaboratively to determine which of these - and when - to employ to keep you moving forward towards a more healthy and fulfilling life.

If you are married or in a relationship it’s important to understand how compulsive sexual acting-out impacts your partner and the relationship. It is likely that your partner is experiencing some form of trauma often referred to as discovery trauma. Here, too, there is a need for a clear plan for stabilization of your partner and your relationship.

In addition to being a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT), I am completing the Certified Clinical Partner Specialist (CCPS-C) training through the Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists (APSATS).



Ready to get started or need more information?

Email, call or fill out this form to contact Chuck Verro for additional information on counseling or group services. 

(360) 901-2841